; NASM, x64, Linux, Ubuntu 20.04
%include "io64.inc"
section .text
global main
GET_STRING name, 101 ; reading name
mov rax, 0 ; initializing counter
call input_iter ; processing input
mov byte [output + rax + 7], '!' ; this character is needed by condition
mov byte [output + rax + 8], 0xa
mov rax, 0 ; initializing counter
call output_iter ; giving output
jmp end
input_iter: ; one iteration of input loop
mov byte ch, [name + rax]
mov byte [output + rax + 7], ch ; writing one char from name to output
inc rax
cmp byte [name + rax], 0x0 ; GET_STRING ends string with 0-code char
jne input_iter
output_iter: ; one iteration of output loop
PRINT_CHAR [output + rax] ; char given to out
inc rax
cmp byte [output + rax], 0xa ; if char is NUL, iteration stops
jne output_iter
end: ; just an end of program
section .data
output db 'Hello, ', 0xa ; here will be all output
name db 0xa ; temporary storage for input
PS This is my first question on Stackoverflow ever. And I like field for code, it's very funny
You didn't reserve enough temporary storage for the input/output string.
name db 0xa
defines room for only one byte, and to no effect initializes it with the value 0xa
. This value is overwritten by the first letter in GET_STRING name, 101
The next letters are stored to the undefined memory which follows behind the name
Memory allocated for section .data
is rounded up, so several bytes may have been allocated behind the name
byte and your program by accident works for short input strings. When the string is longer, it will try to access unallocated memory, which leads to segmentation fault.
Omit , 0xa
from output
string definition and replace name db 0xa
name: times 101 db 0x0a
, see repeating Data in NASM
You can print output
together with name
as a one concatenated string.