I am learning Livewire and I want to use datepicker in my form. I found one helpful component from tailwindcomponents.com but not able to understand how to convert it into a livewire reusable component.
tailwindcomponents: https://tailwindcomponents.com/component/datepicker-with-tailwindcss-and-alpinejs
I have created a blade file in the view directory but not able to understand how HTML and JS code to be added. Also is it possible to access birthday value like wire:model="birthday"
<x-input.datepicker wire:model="birthday" id="datepicker"/>
I use Pikaday for this task:
npm i pikaday
In app.js:
window.Pikaday = require('pikaday');
Create new blade component
'error' => null
x-data="{ value: @entangle($attributes->wire('model')) }"
x-on:change="value = $event.target.value"
new Pikaday({ field: $refs.input, 'format': 'DD.MM.YYYY', firstDay: 1 });"
{{ $attributes->whereDoesntStartWith('wire:model') }}
class="pl-10 block w-full shadow-sm sm:text-lg bg-gray-50 border-gray-300 @if($error) focus:ring-danger-500 focus:border-danger-500 border-danger-500 text-danger-500 pr-10 @else focus:ring-primary-500 focus:border-primary-500 @endif rounded-md"
Use it like this:
<x-input.date wire:model="birthday" :error="$errors->first('birthday')"/>