
Bash script for viewing VM quickly the hypervisor (KVM)

I'm looking for a way to get a quick view of the hypervisor when looking for a guest virtual machine (running KVM).

I have a script that collects all my hypervisors (with guest VMs) in a single text file separated by a line break (see example below):

Hypervisor: hypervisor1
 ID    Name                           State
 1     vm1                            running
 2     vm2                            running
 3     vm3                            running
 4     vm4                            running

Hypervisor: hypervisor2
 ID    Name                           State
 1     vm1                            running
 2     vm2                            running
 3     vm3                            running
 4     vm4                            running
 5     vm5                            running
 6     vm6                            running


I tried with:

grep -v -E "(-|Name)" file.txt |
awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' |
tr "\n" " " |
sed "s/ * / -> /"

But I get this:

hypervisor1 -> vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4  hypervisor2 vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4 vm5 vm6

My question is: how do I get this displayed?

hypervisor1 -> vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4
hypervisor2 -> vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4 vm5 vm6
etc.. etc...


  • With awk:

    awk '/Hypervisor:/ {printf "%s ->", $2} # row contains Hypervisor:
         $0==""        {print ""}           # row is empty
         $1~/[0-9]/    {printf " %s", $2}   # first column contains digit
         END           {print ""}' file     # add a trailing newline


    hypervisor1 -> vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4
    hypervisor2 -> vm1 vm2 vm3 vm4 vm5 vm6