I am using Angular Material Virtual scroll, the items get loaded correctly into the DOM, but while scrolling it happens that it jumps around and automatically jumps to the end.
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport #scrollViewport (scrolledIndexChange)="scrolled($event)" [itemSize]="ITEM_SIZE" class="my-virtual" >
<div *cdkVirtualFor="let elem of elemtArray;" class="input-field-container ">
<div class="my-style" >{{elem}} </div>
The output of the method scrolled is the following, if the glitch occurs:
Scrolled: 105
Scrolled: 115
Scrolled: 106
Scrolled: 117
Scrolled: 109
Scrolled: 119
Scrolled: 110
Scrolled: 121
If this happens, it automatically scrolls to the end of the virtual scroll.
Virtual scroll relies on an calculatable element height to calculate the offsets. To control this, set the input itemSize
of cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport
to whatever height you expect your items to have (in px).
if your ITEM_SIZE does not match the actual item size, then your described behavior will happen.
.my-style {
height: 42px;
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport [itemSize]="42" [...]>
<!-- ... --->