
How to define a inbound security rule in a NSG defining source as an Azure SQL Server

There is an Azure VM with an Oracle DB installed. I need to access that DB using port 1521 from an SSIS package running on an Azure data factory SSIS runtime. The relevant SSIS DB is in an Azure SQL Server.

For the time being my nsg rule defined as below.

Since the source is defined as any there is a security risk associated with that.

I tried using


But all those give TNS timeout. Only the rule mentioned on top is working fine so far.

How can I define the source so that only the Azure SQL server or SSIS runtime will be able to access the Oracle DB on the VM? It seems like the Azure SQL server only has a fully qualified DNS name (FQDN) [xyz.database.windows.net] but not a public IP associated with that.


  • Check below link.

    It says when using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in Azure Data Factory, you should join your Azure-SSIS integration runtime (IR) to an Azure virtual network in the following scenarios:
