I am trying to integrate Amazon Pay for a web shop. The login button is displayed correctly but as soon as I login with my sandbox account credentials to show the address widget I get the following error in my Chrome dev tools console: [Amazon.error] attempted redirect to http://myownvirtualhost.local/shop.html?... but scheme is not HTTPS. So the error is obvious but how do I fix this? After login the redirect is supposed to happen on a HTTPS url but as already mentioned I am developing on my localhost with a configured virtual host. I also use the correct (EU) sandbox Widget.js file and set sandbox mode to true in my PHP configuration.
My code:
OffAmazonPayments.Button('amazonPayButton', 'MERCHANT-ID', {
type: 'PwA',
language: 'de-DE',
authorization: function() {
loginOptions = {scope: 'profile postal_code payments:widget payments:shipping_address', popup: true };
authRequest = amazon.Login.authorize(loginOptions, 'http://myownvirtualhost.local/shop.html?action=cart');
onError: function (error) {
console.log('auth request: ' + error.getErrorCode() + ': ' + error.getErrorMessage());
I didn't provide my merchant id as this is an example. So my redirect url has HTTP as scheme and this is the cause of the error. I am confused because after reading the registration chapter of the Amazon Pay Integration guide I thought SSL is not relevant on localhost. From the integration guide:
Obtain an SSL certificate. Your server is required to have a valid SSL certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority. Note: When working in a "localhost" environment, an SSL certificate is not required. For more information, see SSL certification.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I suppose "localhost" is supposed to be taken literally as the default "http://localhost" domain.
If you would like to stick with your virtual host, there are two options: