I'm using gatsby-plugin-sitemap to generate sitemap.xml
for a Gatsby site, but, for some reason that I can't find, it's returning 404 error whenever I try to access it.
I created this testing repo and hosted on Netlify (as the original is), to help debugging.
URL: https://sitemap-test1.netlify.app/
sitemap.xml: https://sitemap-test1.netlify.app/sitemap.xml (returning 404)
Thanks in advance,
It seems to be a known bug of the library, as you can see in the following GitHub threads:
That said, you can downgrade to version 3.30
which seems to be bug-free and be aware of using options.excludes
instead of options.exclude
(trailing "s") if you are excluding some pages.
Otherwise (and in the meantime) you can set the output path to /
as a temporary workaround:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-sitemap",
options: {
output: "/",
query: `
allSitePage {
nodes {
allWpContentNode(filter: {nodeType: {in: ["Post", "Page"]}}) {
nodes {
... on WpPost {
... on WpPage {
resolveSiteUrl: () => siteUrl,
resolvePages: ({
allSitePage: { nodes: allPages },
allWpContentNode: { nodes: allWpNodes },
}) => {
const wpNodeMap = allWpNodes.reduce((acc, node) => {
const { uri } = node
acc[uri] = node
return acc
}, {})
return allPages.map(page => {
return { ...page, ...wpNodeMap[page.path] }
serialize: ({ path, modifiedGmt }) => {
return {
url: path,
lastmod: modifiedGmt,