
What happened to VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in Vaadin 19?

We are building a web app with Vaadin 19 Fusion, and I'm following this tutorial: (I have selected the V19+ Docs and then Fusion)

In the tutorial there is a reference to VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter which is used for setting up the security with Spring, but this class is not available on the classpath. I have tried downloading a plain starter project (v19) from, and here I am also not able to use VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.

Is there an alternative in v19 or am I missing a dependency? I have the same dependency tree as the starter project, so I was assuming the pom is correct.


  • It looks like the VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter will end up in V20, which is scheduled for release in June.

    The documentation page you linked has a tag V20 pre-release at the top. This could certainly be made more visible.