
Get CN value from ADUser DistinguishedName

I have a PS script that checks some custom user's properties in Active Directory. One of the properties is "Manager".

 $data = Get-ADUser $user -Properties * |  Select-Object DisplayName, LockedOut, Enabled, LastLogonDate, PasswordExpired, EmailAddress, Company, Title, Manager, Office

 Write-Host "9." $user "manager is" $data.manager -ForegroundColor Green

When I run the script I've got:

User's manager is CN=cool.boss,OU=Users,OU=SO,OU=PL,OU=RET,OU=HBG,DC=domain,DC=com

The problem is that text "OU=SO,OU=PL,OU=RET,OU=HBG,DC=domain,DC=com" will be different for some users

How can I modify output and remove everything except "cool.boss"? Thank you in advance


  • This should be a more or less safe and still easy way to parse it:

    ($data.manager -split "," | ConvertFrom-StringData).CN