
Implement story reply like Instagram Android

With Instagram when a user clicks on an EditText view the next scenario occurs:

For my case when I used ADJUST_RESIZE I got the view displayed properly but ImageView of story must have scaleType [fitXY or centerCrop] which has a bad UI with some images, if I did not make it with these scaleTypes ImageView will be resized and have margins beside it.

When not use ScaleTypes[fixtXY, centerCrop] while keyboard is opened:

enter image description here

while keyboard is closed:

enter image description here


  • The solution is to make ImageView with a fixed size.

    private fun makeViewFullWidth(view: View) {
            val point = Point()
            // point will be populated with screen width and height 
            val param = view.layoutParams
            param.width = point.x
            param.height = point.y
            view.layoutParams = param

    you can also check this article