I want to preload a model even if it have a null foreign key. I'll use the models from Adonis docs page to ilustrate: User and Profile.
const user = await User.query().preload("profile")
Simple as that!
But in my case, if a user have the key profile_id as null, it throws an exception, what means it only preload existing relationships (fair enough).
To make clear, I not want to preload just users with existing foreign keys, I need both existing user related models and users with no models to preload.
I have read and tested the examples from docs page, but it haven't enough explanation about this case (or I just didn't found it).
Any hints will be appreciated
Let me first answer your question, YES, you can preload Fk which are NULL.
PS - you have not given any details apart from the query, so i am going to make some assumptions.
//User.ts or User.js
import Profile from '/path/to/profile';
public profileId: number;
@belongsTo(() => Profile)
public profile: BelongsTo<typeof Profile>;
As you can see, i have created a relationship in user table. i.e
@belongsTo(() => Profile)
public profile: BelongsTo<typeof Profile>;
Once this is done, you can query user and preload profile.
const user = await User.query().preload("profile")
Now, if the user has profile, then it will be preloaded (join), and output will be something like this
User {
id: <random-number>,
profileId: <random-number>,
profile: {
in case, profileId is null, then output will be something like this
User {
id: <random-number>,
profileId: null,
ps - user
variable is an array of User instance and i have given example of just 1 User instance.
I hope this explanation has helped you.