In normal development (included build binary) go finds the config.yaml
file, but in production, when using a Dockerfile
image, it does not.
My project folder is:
|- server
|- main.go
|- server (executable when built)
config.go is:
func readConfigFile(viperConfig ViperConfig) {
// Set default values if nil
if viperConfig.ConfigName == "" {
viperConfig.ConfigName = "config"
if viperConfig.ConfigType == "" {
viperConfig.ConfigType = "yaml"
if viperConfig.ConfigAddPath == "" {
// main execute it, so it's path is relative to who execute it.
viperConfig.ConfigAddPath = "../../config"
// Read the config
// This path is from main
err := viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
My dockerfile is:
FROM golang:alpine AS base
COPY . .
RUN go build -o ./cmd/server/server ./cmd/server/main.go
FROM alpine AS final
COPY --from=base /app/cmd/server/server ./cmd/server/
COPY --from=base /app/config/config.yaml ./config/
CMD [ "./cmd/server/server" ]
And the error (panic) displayed when running the container from that built image is:
2021/05/12 18:08:32 Config File "config" Not Found in "[/config]"
How can I point to /app/config/config.yaml
where the config file resides?
Thank you.
From the viper docs you can add multiple search paths for configs by calling viper.AddConfigPath
multiple times.
So try:
viper.AddConfigPath("/app/config") // <- to work with Dockerfile setup