
R. Problem removing "#NAME?" (from an excel import) in dataframe

I have a .csv import from excel that has formula hangups that I am trying to remove. A simple version of the data is below.

df <- data.frame(
  species = letters[1:5],
  param1 = c("Place", "creek", "river", "#VALUE!", "desert"),
  param2 = c(-23.8, 43.23, "#NAME?", 45, 0.23),
  param3 = c(2.4, 2, 5.7, 0.00003, -2.5),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) # This is a simplified version of the excel .csv import

df[df == "#VALUE!"] <- ""     # Removes excel cells where the formula left "#VALUE!"
df[df == "#NAME\\?"] <- ""   # This does not work

ndf <- df  # This is an attempt to reassign the columns to numeric

The main problem is that the data column Param2 with this left in it is assigned to character when it needs to be numeric, or the functions I have to run on it do not work.

I've tried many different things, however I always nothing seems to recognise the cell. How do I remove "#NAME?" across the df please?


  • You are doing an exact match (and not a regex match) so you don't need to escape special variables (like ?, !) differently. Try :

    df[df == "#VALUE!"] <- ""  
    df[df == "#NAME?"] <- NA
    df <- type.convert(df, as.is = TRUE)
    #  species param1 param2   param3
    #1       a  Place -23.80  2.40000
    #2       b  creek  43.23  2.00000
    #3       c  river     NA  5.70000
    #4       d         45.00  0.00003
    #5       e desert   0.23 -2.50000
    #'data.frame':  5 obs. of  4 variables:
    # $ species: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d" ...
    # $ param1 : chr  "Place" "creek" "river" "" ...
    # $ param2 : num  -23.8 43.23 NA 45 0.23
    # $ param3 : num  2.4 2 5.7 0.00003 -2.5