I am trying to make a digital assistant that can open all apps. When I open the PowerShell the directory is set to where the python script is located. I all ready know how to open the command line to the right folder I just need the PowerShell.
What I'm using
What im trying to do is open PowerShell to
What I've tried I use the command 'get-StartApps' in the Powershell to get all the app ids
This is what I've tried to use to open the PowerShell
import os
os.system('start Powershell ')
os.startfile(r'C//Users//'+str(os.path.expandvars("%userprofile%"))+'//AppData//Roaming//Microsoft//Windows//Start Menu//Programs//Windows PowerShell//Windows PowerShell.lnk')
I am unsure if app ids are the same on all computer so I will just give a example
import os
os.system('start explorer shell:appsfolder\{Id number}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe')
Just opens the file explorer but work to open other apps.
Also I would like this to work on all machines to so if you know how please tell me.
os.system('start /D'+ str(os.path.expandvars("%userprofile%"))+' powershell')