
Django - IIS deployment - scriptProcessor could not be found

I have been trying to deploy django application using IIS but after following all the steps i am getting below error

<handler> scriptProcessor could not be found in <fastCGI> application configuration

I understand this error is due to incorrect path of scriptprocessor value, but value mentioned is correct. Please see below screenshot

Screenshot of wfastcgi-enable

Applied configuration changes to section "system.webServer/fastCgi" for "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST" at configuration commit path "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST"
""c:\program files\python39\python.exe"|"c:\program files\python39\lib\site-packages\"" can now be used as a FastCGI script processor

Below is the value set in web.config file in wwwroot folder

  <add name="Python FastCGI" 
  scriptProcessor="c:\program files\python39\python.exe|c:\program files\python39\lib\site-packages\"
  requireAccess="Script" />

Can somebody help why i am facing this error.


  • Finally solved the problem!

    The problem was with the value of scriptProcessor key. Path of scriptProcessor was having space and that was the problem error was being thrown.

    I finally had to re-install python with path that was not having spaces in between like below and it worked properly.
