I have this event when you click on a cell, it checks which column (enum) it has been clicked, and then it enables editing if the columns should be editable.
The following columns should be editable and are working ok, but on the else statement I would like that these columns are not editable.
I'm using the highlighted one (Farpoint Spread 6.0 (OLEDB), I'm manually loading it
This is the code I have and it's not disabling the editing for me. any ideas?
Select Case Col
Case gcQtyDelivered, gcQtyFOC, gcQtyDelivered, gcCostPrice, gcRetailprice
With lstTheLines
.Row = Row
.UserResizeCol = UserResizeOn
.EditMode = True
.Protect = False
End With
Case Else
With lstTheLines
.Row = Row
'.Locked = True
'.ReadOnly = True
'.Enabled = False ' locks the full grid
'.EditMode = False
'.EditMode = False
'.Col.ReadOnly = True
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
End With
End Select
Here's a block of code I use to Lock
an entire column:
Sheet.BlockMode = True
Sheet.Row = 0
Sheet.Row2 = Sheet.MaxRows
Sheet.Col = 1
Sheet.Col2 = 1
Sheet.Lock = True
Sheet.BlockMode = False
You specify the column by setting the Row and Col properties. In this example, I am locking column 1 for all rows. Adjust these properties to suit your needs.