
Enable "progress plain" in docker-compose file

When I run a build using docker-compose build --progress plain, it shows more useful information during the build than the default BuildKit output.

Is there a way to embed the plain progress option into the docker-compose.yml file itself so I can just call docker-compose build and still get the better output?

I tried adding these build args, but none of them seemed to work:

        #progress: plain  
        #- progress=plain  
        #- progress plain  
        #BUILDKIT_PROGRESS: plain  
        #- BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain  


  • Even though it seems like it ought to be possible looking at the current implementation of docker-compose, notably the _CLIBuilder which is invoked over the services dict's build method.

    However, no such similarly-named key exists in the configuration schema.

    So it appears that you can't, at least not yet.

    Incidentally, from the above, I'd expect to eventually find it here

            progress: plain

    rather than the args: child key.