
String-path to Tree (JavaScript)

I have an array of paths in string format like that:

  { _id: 'women/clothes/tops', count: 10 },
  { _id: 'women/clothes/suits', count: 5 },
  { _id: 'women/accessories', count: 2 },
  { _id: 'men/clothes', count: 1 },

I would like to group them into a tree structure like that:

    _id: 'women',
    count: 17,
    children: [
        _id: 'clothes',
        count: 15,
        children: [
          { _id: 'tops', count: 10 },
          { _id: 'suits', count: 5 }
        _id: 'accessories',
        count: 2
    _id: 'men',
    count: 1,
    children: [
        _id: 'clothes',
        count: 1

I would imagine a sort of recursive function calling a reduce method. But I can't figure how exactly.


I managed to get close with this solution. But I still get an empty object key, and i cannot manage to not have the children key when there are no children:

const getTree = (array) => {
  return array.reduce((a, b) => {
    const items = b._id.replace('\/', '').split('/')
    return construct(a, b.count, items)
  }, {})

const construct = (a, count, items) => {
  const key = items.shift()

  if(!a[key]) {
    a[key] = {
      _id: key,
      count: count,
      children: []
    a[key].children = items.length > 0 ? construct(a[key].children, count, items) : null
  else {
    a[key].count += count
    a[key].children = items.length > 0 ? construct(a[key].children, count, items) : null
  return a


  • I created an object tree first and then converted that to your array of objects with children structure.

    Note: I used a _count property on each object in the intermediate structure so that when looping over the keys later (when creating the final structure), I could ignore both _id and _count easily, and loop over only the "real children" keys, which don't start with _.

    I did not look at your current attempt/solution before writing this, so mine looks quite different.

    const origData = [
      { _id: 'women/clothes/tops', count: 10 },
      { _id: 'women/clothes/suits', count: 5 },
      { _id: 'women/accessories', count: 2 },
      { _id: 'men/clothes', count: 1 },
    const newObj = {};
    for (let obj of origData) {
      const tempArr = obj._id.split('/');
      let tempHead = newObj; // pointer
      for (let idx in tempArr) {
        let head = tempArr[idx];
        if (!tempHead.hasOwnProperty(head)) {
          tempHead[head] = {};
        tempHead = tempHead[head];
        tempHead._id = head;
        const currCount = tempHead._count || 0;
        tempHead._count = currCount + obj.count;
      tempHead._count = obj.count;
    const finalArr = [];
    let tempArrHead = finalArr; // pointer
    let tempObjHead = newObj; // pointer
    function recursiveStuff(currObj, currArr, copyObj) {
      let hasChildren = false;
      const keys = Object.keys(currObj).filter(a => !a.startsWith("_"));
      for (let key of keys) {
          hasChildren = true;
          const obj = {
            _id: currObj[key]._id,
            count: currObj[key]._count || 0,
            children: [],
          recursiveStuff(currObj[key], obj.children, obj)
      if (hasChildren == false) {
        // console.log(copyObj);
        // there might be a more elegant way, but this works:
        delete copyObj.children;
    recursiveStuff(tempObjHead, tempArrHead)
      max-height: 100% !important;

    Intermediate Structure:

      "women": {
        "_id": "women",
        "_count": 17,
        "clothes": {
          "_id": "clothes",
          "_count": 15,
          "tops": {
            "_id": "tops",
            "_count": 10
          "suits": {
            "_id": "suits",
            "_count": 5
        "accessories": {
          "_id": "accessories",
          "_count": 2
      "men": {
        "_id": "men",
        "_count": 1,
        "clothes": {
          "_id": "clothes",
          "_count": 1

    Final Structure:

        "_id": "women",
        "count": 17,
        "children": [
            "_id": "clothes",
            "count": 15,
            "children": [
              {"_id": "tops", "count": 10},
              {"_id": "suits", "count": 5}
          {"_id": "accessories", "count": 2}
        "_id": "men",
        "count": 1,
        "children": [
          {"_id": "clothes", "count": 1}