I have a dataframe with 3 columns, one of which is of list type
# A tibble: 8 x 3
order_id items count
<int> <list> <int>
1 2 <chr [9]> 9
2 3 <chr [8]> 8
3 4 <chr [13]> 13
4 5 <chr [26]> 26
5 6 <chr [3]> 3
Say for row 1 (order_id 2) the list is [a,b,c]
I want to create a new column using the combn function (maybe?) which will have all pair combinations of the list for that row only, so [[a,b],[b,c],[a,c]]
All the examples of using combn that I have come across on SO have combined every list in the dataframe and paired the entire lists up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Let's say your data is something like this
test <- structure(list(items = list(c('a', 'b'), c('b', 'c', 'd'), c('d', 'e'), c('f', 'g', 'i'), c('g', 'h')),
ID = 1:5), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")
items ID
1 a, b 1
2 b, c, d 2
3 d, e 3
4 f, g, i 4
5 g, h 5
# A tibble: 5 x 2
items ID
<list> <int>
1 <chr [2]> 1
2 <chr [3]> 2
3 <chr [2]> 3
4 <chr [3]> 4
5 <chr [2]> 5
Then you may do something like this
as_tibble(test) %>% mutate(combs = map(items, ~combn(.x, 2)))
# A tibble: 5 x 3
items ID combs
<list> <int> <list>
1 <chr [2]> 1 <chr[,1] [2 x 1]>
2 <chr [3]> 2 <chr[,3] [2 x 3]>
3 <chr [2]> 3 <chr[,1] [2 x 1]>
4 <chr [3]> 4 <chr[,3] [2 x 3]>
5 <chr [2]> 5 <chr[,1] [2 x 1]>
as_tibble(test) %>% mutate(combs = map(items, ~combn(.x, 2))) %>%
items ID combs
1 a, b 1 a, b
2 b, c, d 2 b, c, b, d, c, d
3 d, e 3 d, e
4 f, g, i 4 f, g, f, i, g, i
5 g, h 5 g, h
as_tibble(test) %>% mutate(combs = map(items, ~combn(.x, 2, list)))
# A tibble: 5 x 3
items ID combs
<list> <int> <list>
1 <chr [2]> 1 <list [1]>
2 <chr [3]> 2 <list [3]>
3 <chr [2]> 3 <list [1]>
4 <chr [3]> 4 <list [3]>
5 <chr [2]> 5 <list [1]>
depends on input and output format you want