I'm using a shared worker for a pusher in Laravel, Here XYZABC is my pusher key as string, but is there a way I can use ENV variable or variables defined in my blade file so I don't have to hard-code key there, and also need to switch channels based on country. so is there a way to access java-script variables defined in blade inside a shared worker script? this is my code
This is the sample code from the pusher community I worked on
// Pusher notification works as shared worker thread for providing
// notification across different tab for the same user, thereby reducing
// channel count per user
// An array of the clients/tabs using this worker
var clients = [];
// Connect to Pusher
var pusher = new Pusher("XYZABC", {
encrypted: true,
cluster: 'ap2',
useTLS : true
// Log pusher details to console
Pusher.logToConsole = true
// Subscribe to the channel we specified in our Laravel Event
var channel = pusher.subscribe('task-created');
// Bind a function to a Event (the full Laravel class)
channel.bind('App\\Events\\TaskCreated', function(data) {
// Relay the message on to each client
self.addEventListener("connect", function(evt){
// Add the port to the list of connected clients
var port = evt.ports[0];
// Start the worker.
After few research, found out workers can only communicate using postMessage or onmessage. so passed my key and country details on postMessage after worker start.
PS: Not sure if this is the correct work around or doing anything wrong here, do comment if there is better solution or mistake.
here's my Main thread
if (typeof(window.SharedWorker) === 'undefined') {
throw("Your browser does not support SharedWorkers")
} else {
// Start our new worker
var worker = new SharedWorker(basePath+"/assets/frontend/js/pusher-worker.min.js");
console.log('Worker:', worker);
// Whenever we get a message, set the #message element to the data brought in
worker.port.onmessage = function(evt){
// Log's the data recieved from shared worked
// If we get an error, log it out and close the worker.
worker.onerror = function(err){
// Start the worker.
// Post pusher key and country code to worker thread
worker.port.postMessage({key : pusherkey, country : pusherHomeCountryCode});
here's my modified Worker thread
// Pusher notification works as shared worker thread for providing
// notification across different tab for same user, there by reducing
// channel count per user
// An array of the clients/tabs using this worker
var clients = [];
// Flag to initialize pusher only once
var initialize = false;
// These two variable value will be recieved on post message from main thread
var pusherKey = null;
var countryCode = null;
// Function to initialize pusher and subscribe to a channel
function initalizePusherFn(pusherKey, countryCode) {
// Connect to Pusher
var pusher = new Pusher(pusherKey, {
encrypted: true,
cluster: 'ap2',
useTLS : true
// Log pusher details to console
Pusher.logToConsole = true
// Subscribe to the channel we specified in our Laravel Event
var channelName = 'task-created';
if(typeof countryCode != 'undefined' && countryCode != '' && countryCode != 'PH'){
channelName = channelName+"-"+countryCode;
var channel = pusher.subscribe(channelName);
// Bind a function to a Event (the full Laravel class)
channel.bind('App\\Events\\TaskCreated', function(data) {
// Relay the message on to each client
self.addEventListener("connect", function(evt){
// Add the port to the list of connected clients
var port = evt.ports[0];
// On first load a post message will be called to pass pusherkey and country
port.addEventListener('message', function(eventM){
var data = eventM.data;
pusherKey = data.key;
countryCode = data.country;
console.log(' initialize value:', initialize, '\n');
console.log(' key:', pusherKey, '\n');
console.log(' country code: ', countryCode, '\n');
// Check if pusher is already initialized,
// if not initialize and subscribe to a channel based on country
// this should onle be working once for multiple tabs, else channel and
// message count will increase for pusher
initalizePusherFn(pusherKey, countryCode);
// set initialize as true after being initialized
initialize = true;
}, false);
// Start the worker.