I want to pass multiple entity code while querying my PostgreSQL db. I am getting error with below code: I want query to work like below:
SELECT * FROM public.test WHERE entity_code IN('value1', 'value2');
Below is my code which works in case I am passing single value:
string query = "SELECT * FROM public.test WHERE entity_code = @Entity_Code";
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("@Entity_Code", "value1");
var connection = _postgreSqlContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var results = connection.Query<Test>(query, new DynamicParameters(dictionary));
And below is the code which is not working in case multiple values added against same parameter:
string query = "SELECT * FROM public.test WHERE entity_code IN @Entity_Code";
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("@Entity_Code", new string[]{ "value1", "value2" });
var connection = _postgreSqlContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var results = connection.Query<Test>(query, new DynamicParameters(dictionary));
Postgres has a slightly different IN
-syntax. You should use ANY
string query = "SELECT * FROM public.test WHERE entity_code = ANY(@Entity_Code)";
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("@Entity_Code", new string[]{ "value1", "value2" });
var connection = _postgreSqlContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var results = connection.Query<Test>(query, new DynamicParameters(dictionary));
See the answer to this question: IN vs ANY operator in PostgreSQL