I am making a POST request to create an order for Royal Mail Click and Drop:
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer secret-123'
])->post('https://api.parcel.royalmail.com/api/v1/orders/', [
'items' => [
'recipient' => [
'address' => [
"fullName" => 'Tom',
"companyName" => "Test",
"addressLine1" => "150",
"addressLine2" => "Valley Close",
"addressLine3" => "Elmdom",
"city" => "Birmingham",
"county" => "West Midlands",
"postcode" => "B12 2YT",
"countryCode" => "GB"
"emailAddress" => "test@test.com"
"billing" => [
"address" => [
"fullName" => 'Tom',
"companyName" => "Test",
"addressLine1" => "150",
"addressLine2" => "Valley Close",
"addressLine3" => "Elmdom",
"city" => "Birmingham",
"county" => "West Midlands",
"postcode" => "B12 2YT",
"countryCode" => "GB"
"phoneNumber" => "42425 5252552",
"emailAddress" => "test@test.com"
"orderDate" => "2021-05-18T16:39:01Z",
"subtotal" => 0,
"shippingCostCharged" => 0,
"total" => 0,
but keep getting
'Unexpected token while deserializing object: PropertyName. Path 'items.recipient', line 1, position 22. Failed to deserialize following order request'
I keep getting the same error for all required fields...
API docs do not provide much details https://api.parcel.royalmail.com/. The same payload works in Insomnia. I am using Laravel Http client.
The API shows that items
is an array of objects.
items": [
"orderReference": "string",
"recipient": {},
"sender": {},
"billing": {},
"packages": [],
"orderDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"plannedDespatchDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"specialInstructions": "string",
"subtotal": 0,
"shippingCostCharged": 0,
"otherCosts": 0,
"customsDutyCosts": 0,
"total": 0,
"currencyCode": "str",
"postageDetails": {},
"tags": [],
"label": {}
So you just need to wrap everything in items in another set of brackets.
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer secret-123'
])->post('https://api.parcel.royalmail.com/api/v1/orders/', [
'items' => [[
'recipient' => [
'address' => [
"fullName" => 'Tom',
"companyName" => "Test",
"addressLine1" => "150",
"addressLine2" => "Valley Close",
"addressLine3" => "Elmdom",
"city" => "Birmingham",
"county" => "West Midlands",
"postcode" => "B12 2YT",
"countryCode" => "GB"
"emailAddress" => "test@test.com"
"billing" => [
"address" => [
"fullName" => 'Tom',
"companyName" => "Test",
"addressLine1" => "150",
"addressLine2" => "Valley Close",
"addressLine3" => "Elmdom",
"city" => "Birmingham",
"county" => "West Midlands",
"postcode" => "B12 2YT",
"countryCode" => "GB"
"phoneNumber" => "42425 5252552",
"emailAddress" => "test@test.com"
"orderDate" => "2021-05-18T16:39:01Z",
"subtotal" => 0,
"shippingCostCharged" => 0,
"total" => 0,