
Android crash analytics, logging, exception tracking, usage, etc. bewildering array of options

I want to to use a service for crash reporting and I see that there are a few options Crashlytics, Instabug, Bugsnag, Bugfender, Splunk Mint, Visual Studio App Center, etc.

  1. I am cost constrained, so I don't want to spend a lot particularly at this early stage.
  2. I want more than just crash information, I want to be able to log exceptions and things which don't crash the app but impact the user experience.
  3. Can additional logging be added?
  4. Not essential, but I would like to see how users are using my app as well.

I see Crashlytics is free but it even address items 2, 3, and 4? Do people use multiple tools?


  • I do not know in detail the rest of the tools you mentioned, so I prefer to keep my opinion to myself.

    Disclosure: my answer might be biased, I'm co-founder of Bugfender.