I am trying to calculate a morph offset for a gpu driven animation.
To that effect I have the following function (and SSBOS):
layout(std140, binding = 7) buffer morph_buffer
vec4 morph_targets[];
layout(std140, binding = 8) buffer morph_weight_buffer
float morph_weights[];
vec3 GetMorphOffset()
vec3 offset = vec3(0);
for(int target_index=0; target_index < target_count; target_index++)
float w1 = morph_weights[1];
offset += w1 * morph_targets[target_index * vertex_count + gl_VertexIndex].xyz;
return offset;
I am seeing strange behaviour so I opened renderdoc to trace the state:
As you can see, index 1 of the morph_weights
SSBO is 0. However if I step over in the built in debugger for renderdoc I obtain:
Or in short, the variable I get back is 1, not 0.
So I did a little experiment and changed one of the values and now the SSBO looks like this:
And now I get this:
So my SSBO of type float is being treated like an ssbo of vec4's it seems. I am aware of alignment issues with vec3's, but IIRC floats are fair game. What is happenning?
Upon doing a little bit of asking around.
The issue is the SSBO is marked as std140, the correct std for a float array is std430.
For the vulkan GLSL dialect, an alternative is to use the scalar