I wish to write a hangman program and in order to do so, I have to replace the hash ('-') letter(s) with the user's guessed letter (guess
). But when I run the code, it replaces all the hashes with the user's guess letter.
The code seems okay but I don't get the desired result.
is a list of words I have written before the function.def word_guess():
word = words[0]
l_count = 0
for letter in word:
l_count += 1
# the hidden words are shown a '-'
blank = '-' * l_count
guess = input("please guess a letter ")
if guess in word:
# a list of the position of all the specified letters in the word
a = [i for i, letter in enumerate(word) if letter == guess]
for num in a:
blank_reformed = blank.replace(blank[num], guess)
e.g: when the word
is 'funny', and guess
is 'n', the output is 'nnnnn'.
How should I replace the desired hash string with guess
it replaces all the hashes
This is exactly what blank.replace
is supposed to do, though.
What you should do is replace that single character of the string. Since strings are immutable, you can't really do this. However, lists of strings are mutable, so you could do blank = ['-'] * l_count
, which would be a list of dashes, and then modify blank[num]
for num in a:
blank[num] = guess