I have the following input file
system info com1 command set
system info com2 command set
system command set1 information description test
system command 21-22 information description pass
system command T1-T2-T3 information description file
system command commonset information description info
and the following command
awk '/system command/&&/information description/ { gsub("\"","") ; print ++ OFS") Command = " $3}' inputfile.txt
gives me the following output
1) Command = set1
2) Command = 21-22
3) Command = T1-T2-T3
4) Command = commonset
Is there a way that my commands list count is not with simple numbers but with sort ordinal numbers and to have an output like this
1st) Command = set1
2nd) Command = 21-22
3rd) Command = T1-T2-T3
4th) Command = commonset
There is no built function to get that ordinal. We need to get our hands dirty and write this code:
awk 'function ordinal(i, mod, str) {mod = i%10; str=i; if (i~/1[1-3]$/) str=str "th"; else if (mod==1) str=str "st"; else if (mod==2) str=str "nd"; else if (mod==3) str=str "rd"; else str=str "th"; return str;} /system command/&&/information description/ { gsub(/"/,"") ; print ordinal(++i) ") Command = " $3}' file
1st) Command = set1
2nd) Command = 21-22
3rd) Command = T1-T2-T3
4th) Command = commonset
Expanded form:
awk '
function ordinal(i, mod, str) {
mod = i%10
str = i
if (i~/1[1-3]$/) # for numbers ending in 11, 12, 13
str = str "th"
else if (mod==1)
str = str "st"
else if (mod==2)
str = str "nd"
else if (mod==3)
str = str "rd"
str = str "th"
return str
/system command/&&/information description/ {
print ordinal(++i) ") Command = " $3
}' file
An alternative way to implement the above function would be:
function ordinal(num, idx, sfxs) {
split("st nd rd th",sfxs," ")
idx = ( (num ~ /[123]$/) && (num !~ /1[123]$/) ? num % 10 : 4 )
return num sfxs[idx]