
Is there a way of putting text instead of icon classes in the Monaco Editor Margin?

I'm aware of how to add a glyphMarginClassName, linesDecorationsClassName, and inlineClassName to the options of the Monaco Editor. But is there a way to add alphabetical characters into the margin? Like this:

Screen shot of Monaco Editor showing text in margin created by editing HTML with Chrome Debugger


  • You can do that, yes. However, not with dynamic text, but instead attaching a ::before or ::after element to that margin node.

    Start by setting a custom CSS class name in the lines decoration:

                let ids = this.backend.deltaDecorations(sourceIDs, [{
                    range: new Range(this.startLine, 1, this.startLine, model.getLineLength(this.startLine)),
                    options: {
                        stickiness: Monaco.TrackedRangeStickiness.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore,
                        isWholeLine: false,
                        linesDecorationsClassName: `editorPromptFirst.${this.language}`,

    And in your CSS add the text like this:

    .codeEditor .editorPromptFirst.sql::before,
    .codeEditor .editorPromptFirst.mysql::before {
        content: "sql>";
        display: block;
        margin-left: 4px;
        font-size: 0.9rem;
        color: #db8f00;

    which results in this display:

    enter image description here