I am currently learning miniKanren by The Reasoned Schemer and Racket.
I have three versions of minikanren implementation:
The Reasoned Schemer, First Edition (MIT Press, 2005). I called it TRS1
PS. It says that condi
has been replaced by an improved version of conde
which performs interleaving.
The Reasoned Schemer, Second Edition (MIT Press, 2018). I called it TRS2
The Reasoned Schemer, First Edition (MIT Press, 2005). I called it TRS1*
I have did some experiments about the three implementations above:
1st experiment:
(run* (r)
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (conde
((== 'c y) )
((== 'd y))))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y)))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((a c) (a d) (b e) (b f))
(run* (x y)
((== 'a x) (conde
((== 'c y) )
((== 'd y))))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y))))))
;; => '((a c) (a d) (b e) (b f))
(run* (r)
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (conde
((== 'c y) )
((== 'd y))))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y)))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((a c) (b e) (a d) (b f))
Notice that, in the 1st experiment, TRS1
and TRS2
produced the same result, but TRS1*
produced a different result.
It seems that the conde
in TRS1
and TRS2
use the same search algorithm, but TRS1*
use a different algorithm.
2nd experiment:
(define listo
(lambda (l)
((nullo l) succeed)
((pairo l)
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(listo d)))
(else fail))))
(define lolo
(lambda (l)
((nullo l) succeed)
((fresh (a)
(caro l a)
(listo a))
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(lolo d)))
(else fail))))
(run 5 (x)
(lolo x))
;; => '(() (()) (() ()) (() () ()) (() () () ()))
(defrel (listo l)
((nullo l))
((fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(listo d)))))
(defrel (lolo l)
((nullo l))
((fresh (a)
(caro l a)
(listo a))
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(lolo d)))))
(run 5 x
(lolo x))
;; => '(() (()) ((_0)) (() ()) ((_0 _1)))
(define listo
(lambda (l)
((nullo l) succeed)
((pairo l)
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(listo d)))
(else fail))))
(define lolo
(lambda (l)
((nullo l) succeed)
((fresh (a)
(caro l a)
(listo a))
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(lolo d)))
(else fail))))
(run 5 (x)
(lolo x))
;; => '(() (()) ((_.0)) (() ()) ((_.0 _.1)))
Notice that, in the 2nd experiment, TRS2
and TRS1*
produced the same result, but TRS1
produced a different result.
It seems that the conde in TRS2
and TRS1*
use the same search algorithm, but TRS1
use a different algorithm.
These makes me very confusion.
Could someone help me to clarify these different search algorithms in each minikanren implementation above?
Very thanks.
3nd experiment:
(define (tmp-rel y)
((== 'c y) )
((tmp-rel-2 y))))
(define (tmp-rel-2 y)
(== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y))
(run 1 (r)
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (tmp-rel y))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y)))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((a c))
However, run 2
or run 3
If I use condi
instead of conde
, then run 2
works but run 3
still loop.
(defrel (tmp-rel y)
((== 'c y) )
((tmp-rel-2 y))))
(defrel (tmp-rel-2 y)
(== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y))
(run 3 r
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (tmp-rel y))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y)))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((b e) (b f) (a c))
This is OK, except that the order is not as expected.
Notice that (a c)
is at the last now.
(define (tmp-rel y)
((== 'c y) )
((tmp-rel-2 y))))
(define (tmp-rel-2 y)
(== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y))
(run 2 (r)
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (tmp-rel y))
((== 'b x) (conde
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y)))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((a c) (b e))
However, run 3
After several days of research, I think I have been able to answer this question.
First of all, I'd like to clarify some concepts:
There are two well-known models of non-deterministic computation: the stream model and the two-continuations model. Most of miniKanren implementations use the stream model.
PS. The term "backtracking" generally means depth-first search (DFS), which can be modeled by either the stream model or the two-continuations model. (So when I say "xxx get tried", it doesn't mean that the underlying implementation have to use two-continuations model. It can be implemented by stream model, e.g. minikanren.)
or condi
and condi
in TRS1
provides two goal constructors for non-deterministic choice, conde
and condi
uses DFS, which be implemented by MonadPlus of stream.
The disadvantage of MonadPlus is that it is not fair. When the first alternative offers an infinite number of results, the second alternative is never tried. It making the search incomplete.
To solve this incomplete problem, TRS1
introduced condi
which can interleave the two results.
The problem of the condi
is that it can’t work well with divergence (I mean dead loop with no value). For example, if the first alternative diverged, the second alternative still cannot be tried.
This phenomenon is described in the Frame 6:30 and 6:31 of the book. In some cases you may use alli
to rescue, see Frame 6:32, but in general it still can not cover all the diverged cases, see Frame 6:39 or the following case: (PS. All these problems do not exist in TRS2
(define (nevero)
(all (nevero)))
(run 2 (q)
((== #t q))
((== #f q))))
;; => divergence
Implementation details:
, a stream is a standard stream, i.e. lazy-list.
The conde
is implemented by mplus
(define mplus
(lambda (a-inf f)
(case-inf a-inf
((a) (choice a f))
((a f0) (choice a (lambdaf@ () (mplus (f0) f)))))))
The condi
is implemented by mplusi
:(define mplusi
(lambda (a-inf f)
(case-inf a-inf
((a) (choice a f))
((a f0) (choice a (lambdaf@ () (mplusi (f) f0)))))) ; interleaving
in TRS2
removed the above two goal constructors and provided a new conde
The conde
like the condi
, but only interleaving when the first alternative is a return value of a relation which be defined by defref
. So it is actually more like the old conde
if you won't use defref
The conde
also fixed the above problem of condi
Implementation details:
, a stream is not a standard stream.
As the book says that
A stream is either the empty list, a pair whose cdr is a stream, or a suspension.
A suspension is a function formed from (lambda () body) where (( lambda () body)) is a stream.
So in TRS2
, streams are not lazy in every element, but just lazy at suspension points.
There is only one place to initially create a suspension, i.e. defref
(define-syntax defrel
(syntax-rules ()
((defrel (name x ...) g ...)
(define (name x ...)
(lambda (s)
(lambda ()
((conj g ...) s)))))))
This is reasonable because the "only" way to produce infinite results or diverge is recursive relation. It also means that if you use define
instead of defrel
to define a relation, you will encounter the same problem of conde
in TRS1
(It is OK for finite depth-first search).
Note that I had to put quotation marks on the "only" because most of the time we will use recursive relations, however you still can produce infinite results or diverge by mixing Scheme's named let
, for example:
(run 10 q
(let loop ()
((== #f q))
((== #t q))
;; => divergence
This diverged because there is no suspension now.
We can work around it by wrapping a suspension manually:
(define-syntax Zzz
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ g) (λ (s) (λ () (g s)))]))
(run 10 q
(let loop ()
(Zzz (conde
((== #f q))
((== #t q))
((loop)))) ))
;; => '(#f #t #f #t #f #t #f #t #f #t)
The conde
is implemented by append-inf
(define (append-inf s-inf t-inf)
((null? s-inf) t-inf)
((pair? s-inf)
(cons (car s-inf)
(append-inf (cdr s-inf) t-inf)))
(else (lambda () ; interleaving when s-inf is a suspension
(append-inf t-inf (s-inf))))))
in TRS1*
originates from the early paper "From Variadic Functions to Variadic Relations A miniKanren Perspective". As TRS2
, TRS1*
also removed the two old goal constructors and provided a new conde
The conde
like the conde
in TRS2
, but only interleaving when the first alternative itself is a conde
The conde
also fixed the above problem of condi
Note that there is no defref
in TRS1*
. Therefore if the recursive relations are not starting from conde
, you will encounter the same problem of condi
in TRS1
. For example,
(define (nevero)
(fresh (x)
(run 2 (q)
((== #t q))
((== #f q))))
;; => divergence
We can work around this problem by wrapping a conde
(define (nevero)
((fresh (x)
(run 2 (q)
((== #t q))
((== #f q))
;; => '(#t #f)
Implementation details:
In TRS1*
, the stream is the standard stream + suspension.
(define-syntax conde
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (g0 g ...) (g1 g^ ...) ...)
(lambdag@ (s)
(inc ; suspension which represents a incomplete stream
(bind* (g0 s) g ...)
(bind* (g1 s) g^ ...) ...))))))
(define-syntax mplus*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e) e)
((_ e0 e ...) (mplus e0 (lambdaf@ () (mplus* e ...)))))) ; the 2nd arg of the mplus application must wrap a suspension, because multiple clauses of a conde are just syntactic sugar of nested conde with 2 goals.
It also means that the named let loop
problem above does not exist in TRS1*
The conde
is implemented by the interleaving mplus
(define mplus
(lambda (a-inf f)
(case-inf a-inf
((a) (choice a f))
((a f^) (choice a (lambdaf@ () (mplus (f) f^))))
((f^) (inc (mplus (f) f^)))))) ; interleaving when a-inf is a suspension
; assuming f must be a suspension
Note that although the function is named mplus
, it is not a legal MonadPlus because it does not obey MonadPlus law.
Now I can explain these experiments in the question.
=> '((a c) (a d) (b e) (b f))
, because conde
in TRS1
is DFS.
=> '((a c) (a d) (b e) (b f))
, because conde
in TRS2
is DFS if no defref
=> '((a c) (b e) (a d) (b f))
, because conde
in TRS1*
is interleaving (the outmost conde
make the two innermost conde
s interleaving).
Note that if we replace conde
with condi
in TRS1
, the result will be the same as TRS1*
=> '(() (()) (() ()) (() () ()) (() () () ()))
, because conde
in TRS1
is DFS. The second clause of conde
in listo
is never tried, since when (fresh (d) (cdro l d) (lolo d)
is bind
ed to the first clause of conde
in listo
it offers an infinite number of results.
=> '(() (()) ((_0)) (() ()) ((_0 _1)))
, because now the second clause of conde
in listo
can get tried. listo
and lolo
being defined by defrel
means that they will potentially create suspensions. When append-inf
these two suspensions, each takes a step and then yield control to the other.
=> '(() (()) ((_.0)) (() ()) ((_.0 _.1))
, is the same as TRS2
, except that suspensions are created by conde
Note that replacing conde
with condi
in TRS1
will not change the result. If you want to get the same result as TRS2
or TRS1*
, wrap alli
at the second clause of conde
Note that as @WillNess said in his comment of the question:
BTW I didn't know you could write
(define (tmp-rel-2 y) (== 'd y) (tmp-rel-2 y))
like that, without any special minikanren form enclosing the two goals...
Yes, the 3rd experiment about TRS1
and TRS1*
has a mistake:
(define (tmp-rel-2 y) ; <--- wrong relation definition!
(== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y))
Unlike TRS2
, TRS1
and TRS1*
have no build-in defrel
, so the define
form is from Scheme, not minikaren.
We should use a special minikanren form enclosing the two goals.
For TRS1
, we should change the definition to
(define (tmp-rel-2 y)
(all (== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y)))
For TRS1*
, there is no all
constructor, but we can use (fresh (x) ...)
to work around it
(define (tmp-rel-2 y)
(fresh (x)
(== 'd y)
(tmp-rel-2 y)))
I made this mistake because I was not familiar with minikanren before.
However, this mistake won't affect the final result, and the explanation below for TRS1
and TRS1*
are suitable for both the wrong definition and the correct definition.
=> '((a c))
, because conde
in TRS1
is DFS. The tmp-rel
diverges at tmp-rel-2
Note that replacing conde
with condi
and (run 2 ...)
, we will get '((a c) (b e))
. This because condi
can interleave. However, it still cannot print the third solution (b f)
because condi
can’t work well with divergence.
=> '((b e) (b f) (a c))
, because TRS2
can archive complete search if we use defrel
to define relation.
Note that the final result is '((b e) (b f) (a c))
instead of '((a c) (b e) (b f))
because in TRS2
, a suspension only initially be created by defrel
. If we expect '((a c) (b e) (b f))
, we can wrap the suspension manually:
(define-syntax Zzz
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ g) (λ (s) (λ () (g s)))]))
(run 3 r
(fresh (x y)
((== 'a x) (tmp-rel y))
((== 'b x) (Zzz (conde ; wrap a suspension by Zzz
((== 'e y) )
((== 'f y))))))
(== `(,x ,y) r)))
;; => '((a c) (b e) (b f))
=> '((a c) (b e))
, because in TRS1*
, suspensions be wrapped at conde
s .
Note that it still cannot print the third solution (b f)
because tmp-rel-2
does not be wrapped in conde
, so no suspension is created here. If we expect '((a c) (b e) (b f))
, we can wrap the suspension manually:
(define (tmp-rel-2 y)
(conde ((== 'd y) (tmp-rel-2 y)))) ; wrap a suspension by conde
All in all, minikanren is not one language but families of languages. Each minikanren implementation may have its own hack. There may be some corner cases which have slightly different behaviors in different implementations. Fortunately, minikanren is easy to understand. When encountering these corner cases, we can solve them by reading the source code.
The Reasoned Schemer, First Edition (MIT Press, 2005)
From Variadic Functions to Variadic Relations - A miniKanren Perspective
The Reasoned Schemer, Second Edition (MIT Press, 2018)
µKanren: A Minimal Functional Core for Relational Programming
Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers