I have a multivariate model with this (approximate) form:
mod.1 <- MCMCglmm(
cbind(OFT1, MIS1, PC1, PC2) ~
trait-1 +
trait:sex +
random = ~us(trait):squirrel_id + us(trait):year,
rcov = ~us(trait):units,
family = c("gaussian", "gaussian", "gaussian", "gaussian"),
data= final_MCMC,
prior = prior.invgamma,
verbose = FALSE,
pr=TRUE, #this saves the BLUPs
nitt=103000, #number of iterations
thin=100, #interval at which the Markov chain is stored
For publication purposes, I've been asked to report the Gelman-Rubin statistic to indicate that the model has converged.
I have been trying to run:
But, I get this error:
Error in mcmc.list(x) : Arguments must be mcmc objects
Any suggestions on the proper approach? I assume that the error means I can't pass my mod.1
output through gelman.diag()
, but I am not sure what it is I am supposed to put there instead? My knowledge is quite limited here, so I'd appreciate any and all help!
Note that I haven't added the data here, but I suspect the answer is more code syntax and not data related.
The gelman.diag
requires a mcmc.list
. If we are running models with different set of parameters, extract the 'Sol' and place it in a list
(Below, it is the same model)
model1 <- MCMCglmm(PO~1, random=~FSfamily, data=PlodiaPO, verbose=FALSE,
nitt=1300, burnin=300, thin=1)
model2 <- MCMCglmm(PO~1, random=~FSfamily, data=PlodiaPO, verbose=FALSE,
nitt=1300, burnin=300, thin=1 )
mclist <- mcmc.list(model1$Sol, model2$Sol)
# gelman.diag(mclist)
#Potential scale reduction factors:
# Point est. Upper C.I.
#(Intercept) 1 1
According to the documentation, it seems to be applicable for more than one mcmc chain
Gelman and Rubin (1992) propose a general approach to monitoring convergence of MCMC output in which m > 1 parallel chains are run with starting values that are overdispersed relative to the posterior distribution.
The input x
here is
x - An mcmc.list object with more than one chain, and with starting values that are overdispersed with respect to the posterior distribution.