I am using p-organizationChart to display hierarchy. I am adding child dynamically. After adding child, it's not displaying expand arrow, but when I select any Node then it reflects.
So, I would like to refresh this org-chart programmatically.
Any suggestions?
<p-organizationChart [value]="programStructure" styleClass="company" selectionMode="single" [(selection)]="selectedParentProgram" #chart [preserveSpace]="false">
Adding Child:
addChildNode() {
label: this.selectedChildProgram.name,
type: 'node',
expanded: true,
data: {
'programId': this.selectedChildProgram.id,
'versionId': this.selectedProgramVersion.id
children: []
this.isAddProgramDialogShown = false;
This code works perfectly as expected. But, chart not getting updated unless I select/unselect any node.
Solution Worked for me
Angular change detection is usually triggered when the reference to an object changes. Adding elements to an array using it's push
method wouldn't change the array's reference. Instead you could try to re-assign the variable using the spread syntax.
Try the following
addChildNode() {
const child = {
label: this.selectedChildProgram.name,
type: 'node',
expanded: true,
data: {
'programId': this.selectedChildProgram.id,
'versionId': this.selectedProgramVersion.id
children: []
this.selectedParentProgram = {
children: [
this.isAddProgramDialogShown = false;