
Can Black be configured to ignore imports?

I am switching over to using Black for all my Python projects from now on. Till now I had been using autopep8 as my auto-formatter and isort to sort my imports. But while using Black I found out that Black alone does the job of isort too alongside formatting my code. While I do not mind the way Black sorts my imports, I would still like to use isort to handle my imports and I would like Black to handle only my code, not the imports. So, is there any way to configure Black to only format my code and not touch the imports? I am using VS Code by the way so some help on how to apply the configuration in VS Code will help too. Thanks!


  • Add those to jobs setting in vscode, it should do the trick

        "python.formatting.provider": "black",
        "[python]": {
            "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
                "source.organizeImports": true