I have a windows container as Azure Web App, it has a connection to a WCF Service outside the container, when i test the functionality of the container locally it works, but not in Azure.
I have a log file in my application inside the container. It says that: The remote name could not be resolved: 'XXXXXX.azurewebsites.net' <- This is the WCF Service
I have tried:
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for help @Nancy Xiong, your answer is part of the solution, i discover that i need to apply a delay on my application inside the windows container. I don't know why, but when the application starts the container doesn't have network communication.
In this answer @Robbie Zhang says it is an ACI bug for Windows Server Core 2016 base container.
I guess Azure App Service For Containers has the same problem in Windows Server Core 2019 base containers.