
Unknown command: `repo-art` Cocoapods

I have installed the Cocoapods-art in the bundle using this command:

 bundle exec gem install cocoapods-art

This is the success message:

Fetching cocoapods-art-1.0.4.gem
Successfully installed cocoapods-art-1.0.4
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-art-1.0.4
Done installing documentation for cocoapods-art after 0 seconds
1 gem installed

when I execute: bundle exec gem list, I don't see Cocoapods repo-art in the gem list.

When I try to add: pod repo-art add folderNamer, I get:

 [!] Unknown command: `repo-art`
Did you mean: repo?


  • My problem was:

    Installing cocoapods by gem in MacOS Catalina + Xcode 12.2, I got the error:

    You have to install development tools first 
    checking for ffi.h... * extconf.rb failed *

    Then I installed the cocoapods (1.10.1) by homebrew

    brew install cocoapods

    And the cocoapods-art was installed with gem

    gem install cocoapods-art

    At that moment, I was with the same error.

    For me, its finally worked removing and installing again the cocoapods-art with sudo.

    This troubleshooting - don't resolving to use the last version of cocoapods ;)