
Error when trying to run with GLPK on spyder

I'm having an error trying to run some python code on spyder with anaconda. Code is very simple:

import picos 

P = picos.Problem()
P.options.verbosity = 1
x = picos.IntegerVariable('x', 2, lower = [0,0])
P.add_constraint(x[0] + x[1] <= 8)
P.set_objective('max', 1*x[0] + 2*x[1])

This is the answer from spyder

runfile('/Users/Fermin/', wdir='/Users/Fermin')
Integer Linear Program
  maximize x[0] + 2·x[1]
    2×1 integer variable x (bounded below)
  subject to
    x[0] + x[1] ≤ 8
             PICOS 2.0             
Problem type: Integer Linear Program.
Searching a solution strategy for GLPK.
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/Fermin/", line 9, in <module>

  File "/Users/Fermin/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/picos/modeling/", line 1635, in solve
    self._strategy = Strategy.from_problem(

  File "/Users/Fermin/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/picos/modeling/", line 187, in from_problem
    raise RuntimeError(

RuntimeError: Selected solver GLPK is not available on the system.

Weird thing is, glpsol is installed. When i run glpsol --versionon the terminal I get an answer (v4.65). And if I run which glpsol I get /Users/Fermin/opt/anaconda3/bin/glpsol.

So the weird thing is that even though it is installed on my computer (it's a mac), spyder is not being able to find it and use it. I have already tried the simplest of things that is rebooting the programs and/or my computer, erasing everything and installing it again, and some more.

Thanks for the help.


  • The problem was that I had to install swiglpk.

    pip install swiglpk