
How do I replicate a Cassandra's local node for other Cassandra's remote node?

I need to replicate a local node with a SimpleStrategy to a remote node in other Cassandra's DB. Does anyone have any idea where I begin?


  • The main complexity here, if you're writing data into both clusters is how to avoid overwriting the data that has changed in the cloud later than your local setup. There are several possibilities to do that:

    In case of DSBulk you can follow the example 19.4 for exporting of data from this blog post, and example 11.3 for loading (from another blog post). So this may require some shell scripting. Plus you'll need to have disk space to keep exported data (but you can use compression).

    In case of Spark Cassandra Connector you can export data without intermediate storage if both nodes are accessible from Spark. But you'll need to write some Spark code for reading data using RDD or DataFrame APIs.