Installing grafana using helm charts, the deployment goes well and the grafana ui is up, needed to add an existence persistence volume, ran the below cmd:
helm install grafana grafana/grafana -n prometheus --set persistence.enabled=true --set persistence.existingClaim=grafana-pvc
The init container crashes, with the below logs:
kubectl logs grafana-847b88556f-gjr8b -n prometheus -c init-chown-data
chown: /var/lib/grafana: Operation not permitted
chown: /var/lib/grafana: Operation not permitted
On checking the deployment yaml found this section:
- command:
- chown
- -R
- 472:472
- /var/lib/grafana
image: busybox:1.31.1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: init-chown-data
resources: {}
runAsNonRoot: false
runAsUser: 0
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
name: storage
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
fsGroup: 472
runAsGroup: 472
runAsUser: 472
serviceAccount: grafana
serviceAccountName: grafana
Why is the operation failing though its running with runAsUser: 0
? and the pvc is having access:ReadWriteMany
, any workaround ? Or am I missing something
Thanks !!
NFS turns on root_squash
mode by default which functionally disables uid 0 on clients as a superuser (maps those requests to some other UID/GID, usually 65534). You can disable this in your mount options, or use something other than NFS. I would recommend the latter, NFS is bad.