
Flutter 2.0 The return type of getter 'xxxx' is 'dynamic' which isn't a subtype of the type 'List<dynamic>' of its setter 'xxxx'

I'm recently migrate my code to flutter 2.0, but I'm getting this error: error: The return type of getter 'tabbarcatinfo' is 'dynamic' which isn't a subtype of the type 'List' of its setter 'tabbarcatinfo'.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
List _tabbarcatinfo = [];

class TabBarCategoriesInfo with  ChangeNotifier{
  static late List<String> name;

  get tabbarcatinfo {
    return _tabbarcatinfo;

  set tabbarcatinfo(List Listita) {
    _tabbarcatinfo = Listita;

  void addData(List Listita) {


  • You have not properly defined types in your code.

    Use it like this.

    List<String> _tabbarcatinfo = [];
    class TabBarCategoriesInfo with ChangeNotifier {
      static late List<String> name;
      List<String> get tabbarcatinfo {
        return _tabbarcatinfo;
      set tabbarcatinfo(List<String> Listita) {
        _tabbarcatinfo = Listita;
      void addData(String item) {

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