The old way of doing things in react-leaflet 2.8.0 was to use MapLayer
and withLeaflet
But now in react-leaflet:
are deprecated as of version 3.
I'm trying to grasp the documentation for core:
but the following doesn't work, I get
The provided object is not a Layer.
import React, { Component, useEffect } from "react";
import { useLeafletContext, leafletElement, createLayerComponent } from '@react-leaflet/core'
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, useMap } from "react-leaflet";
import Leaflet from "leaflet";
import "leaflet-routing-machine";
function Routing(props) {
const context = useLeafletContext();
useEffect(() =>
let routing = createLayerComponent(Leaflet.Routing.control(
waypoints: [
Leaflet.latLng(33.52001088075479, 36.26829385757446),
Leaflet.latLng(33.50546582848033, 36.29547681726967)
lineOptions: {
styles: [{ color: "#6FA1EC", weight: 4 }]
show: false,
addWaypoints: false,
routeWhileDragging: true,
draggableWaypoints: true,
fitSelectedRoutes: true,
showAlternatives: false
}), )
const container = context.layerContainer ||
return () => {
return null;
function MapComponent() {
return (
<MapContainer center={[33.5024, 36.2988]} zoom={14} >
<TileLayer url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=gR2UbhjBpXWL68Dc4a3f" />
<Routing />
export default MapComponent;
You're using createLayerComponent
, but the routing machine is actually a control. Use createControlComponent
I also recommend making this as a separate custom component, as described in the docs, rather than putting it in a useEffect. The docs are hard. Feel free to read How to extend TileLayer component in react-leaflet v3? to see if that helps in understanding how to make custom components with react-leaflet v3.
Here's how you'd do it:
import L from "leaflet";
import { createControlComponent } from "@react-leaflet/core";
import "leaflet-routing-machine";
const createRoutineMachineLayer = (props) => {
const instance = L.Routing.control({
waypoints: [
L.latLng(33.52001088075479, 36.26829385757446),
L.latLng(33.50546582848033, 36.29547681726967)
return instance;
const RoutingMachine = createControlComponent(createRoutineMachineLayer);
export default RoutingMachine;