
How to solve "Unresolved attribute reference for class"

I have been working on a small project which is a web-crawler template. Im having an issue in pycharm where I am getting a warning Unresolved attribute reference 'domain' for class 'Scraper'

from abc import abstractmethod

import requests
import tldextract

class Scraper:
    scrapers = {}

    def __init_subclass__(scraper_class):
        Scraper.scrapers[scraper_class.domain] = scraper_class # Unresolved attribute reference 'domain' for class 'Scraper'

    def for_url(cls, url):
        k = tldextract.extract(url)
        # Returns -> <scraper.SydsvenskanScraper object at 0x000001E94F135850> & Scraped BBC News<!DOCTYPE html><html Which type annotiation?
        return cls.scrapers[k.registered_domain](url)

    def scrape(self):

class BBCScraper(Scraper):
    domain = ''

    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url

    def scrape(self):
        rep = requests.Response = requests.get(self.url)
        return "Scraped BBC News" + rep.text[:20]  # ALL HTML CONTENT

class SydsvenskanScraper(Scraper):
    domain = ''

    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url

    def scrape(self):
        rep = requests.Response = requests.get(self.url)
        return "Scraped Sydsvenskan News" + rep.text[:20]  # ALL HTML CONTENT

if __name__ == "__main__":
    URLS = ['', '']
    for urls in URLS:
        get_product = Scraper.for_url(urls)
        r = get_product.scrape()

Of course I could ignore it as it is working but I do not like to ignore a warning as I believe pycharm is smart and should solve the warning rather than ignoring it and I wonder what is the reason of it warns me regarding that?


  • There are a few different levels on how you can remove this warning:

    class Scraper:
        scrapers = {}
        domain = None # Or a sensible value of one exists
    from typing import ClassVar
    class Scraper:
        scrapers: ClassVar[dict[str, 'Scraper']] = {}
        domain: ClassVar[str]

    Note that ClassVar is required because otherwise it is assume that they are instance attributes.