I recently made the switch to null-safety in my flutter project, which brings a new kind of problem when using the Either type (from the dartz package)
For example, before I would have some properties in my class like this:
Either<Failure, List<Product>> _products;
I would then have a function to get the products, and consume it in my view.
However, now with null safety, I need to initialize this property, because it should never be null, instead I would like to have an empty list.
If I do this
Either<Failure, List<Product?>> _products = [];
I get this error
A value of type 'List<dynamic>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Either<Failure, List<Product?>>'.
So my question would be, how can I initialize this property to the right value of Either, with an empty list?
Have this go:
Either<Failure, List<Product?>> _products = right([]);