I know this question look similar, but I think for me the case is different
this is the exception message
Exception while fetching data (/periodicReport/userReport) : org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [com.analytics.entity.projections.UserParticipantCountAndDurationImpl]. Expected arguments are: java.util.UUID, long, java.util.Date [select new com.analytics.entity.projections.UserParticipantCountAndDurationImpl(generatedAlias0.userID, count(distinct generatedAlias0.userID), sum(function('TIMEDIFF', generatedAlias0.endTime, generatedAlias0.startTime))) from com.analytics.entity.ConferenceParticipant as generatedAlias0 group by generatedAlias0.userID order by :param0 desc]
I'm expecting the sum to be Long and I have specified it in the criteria query. I don't have any idea where Date is defined
the snipet for the buider
Expression<Long> sum = criteriaBuilder.sum(
Expression<Long> count = criteriaBuilder.countDistinct(participantRoot.get("userID"));
the class in question
public class UserParticipantCountAndDurationImpl implements UserParticipantCountAndDuration, Serializable {
private UUID userID;
private long participants;
public long participantDuration;
public UserParticipantCountAndDurationImpl(
UUID userID,
long participants,
long participantDuration
) {
this.userID = userID;
this.participants = participants;
this.participantDuration = participantDuration;
And yes I have tried to change signature of the constructor. in that case the query will run, but then thows CastException since it java.util.Date
TIMEDIFF return date time as the result, so it cant be casted to Long or double, the the Sql object in the raw result is DateTime, refer this. I can solve this by using a function to get minutes from the datetime. but I solved this by getting difference of UNIXTIMESTAMP for both the datetime for the summation. Since UNIXTTIMESTAMP is always long I can cast it to Long or BigInteger