
How to add API key to Axios post request for mailchimp

I'm trying to set up an axios post request to add members to an audience list, but I can't figure out how to add the API key (keeps giving error 401: 'Your request did not include an API key.'). I've tried a bunch of things in the "Authorization" header, like what I put below (also: "Bearer ${mailchimpKey}", "${mailchimpKey}", "Bearer ${mailchimpKey}", "Basic ${mailchimpKey}", and probably more...).

I also don't know what the "username" would be, but "any" worked when I tested the API elsewhere.

Does anyone know how I should set this up?

    email_address: email,
    status: "subscribed",
    "User-Agent": "Request-Promise",
    Connection: "keep-alive",
    Authorization: `Basic any:${mailchimpKey}`,
    // Testing on localhost
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type",


  • If your intention is to use HTTP Basic authentication, just use the Axios auth config option
        email_address: email,
        status: "subscribed",
        auth: {
          username: "anystring",
          password: mailchimpKey
        headers: { // personally, I wouldn't add any extra headers
          "User-agent": "Request-Promise"

    HTTP Basic auth headers look like

    Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

    where the string after "Basic" is the Base64 encoded "username:password" string. Axios provides the auth option as a convenience so you don't need to encode the string yourself.

    Some other problems you had were: