Is it possible to find all localization tables which are available in a iOS Project?
In a Swift based iOS project I am using multiple, localized .strings
files. For example one file containing common strings used in different project, one file project specific strings, etc.
This works fine using a custom localization method which checks if a given string is found in file/table A and continues its search in file/table B if no translation is found:
func localizedString(forKey key: String) -> String {
// Search in project specific, default file Localizable.strings
var result = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: nil)
// If now translation was found, continue search in shared file "Common.strings"
if result == key {
result = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: "Common")
if result == key {
result = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: "OtherFile")
return result
Is it possible to extend this to a more general solution where I do not have to specify the files/tables manually, but where this is done automatically? This would allow to use the same code in different projects with different Strings-Files.
func localizedString(forKey key: String) -> String {
for tableName in Bundle.main.allLocalizdationTables { // DOES NOT EXIST...
var result = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: tableName)
if result != key {
return result
return key
So: Is it possible to
This should do the trick:
func localizedString(forKey key: String) -> String {
guard let filesURL = Bundle.main.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: "strings", subdirectory: nil) else { return key }
let tablesName = { $0.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent }
for aTableName in tablesName {
var result = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: aTableName)
if result != key {
return result
return key