i have created some histogram with d3.js
I managed to change fill color of rect
depending on the position of the brush
But i would like to change the color inside a rect
. For example if the brush start
is in the middle of the rect
i would like to have my rect
with two color.
At the moment this is what i have :
And this is what i would like to have :
I have seen some examples like Here. I'm new to d3 and i try to understand the code.
I see that they use clip-path
that certainly hide the background bar when their is no brush and show them when their is one depending on the range of the brush.
Here is a JS Bin
I have read in details the code provided in the link. And i found that they dont create <rect>
element to make chart but barPath
like follow :
function barPath(groups) {
var path = [],
i = -1,
n = groups.length,
while (++i < n) {
d = groups[i];
path.push("M", x(d.key), ",", height, "V", y(d.value), "h9V", height);
return path.join("");
But i didn't event understand what happend in this function and how to dot it in this way if their is no other way to do this.
For anyone looking to bring @Mark's answer to v6:
const data = [{
key: 1,
value: 37
}, {
key: 1.5,
value: 13
}, {
key: 2.5,
value: 1
}, {
key: 3,
value: 4
}, {
key: 3.5,
value: 14
}, {
key: 4,
value: 18
}, {
key: 4.5,
value: 21
}, {
key: 5,
value: 17
}, {
key: 5.5,
value: 16
}, {
key: 6,
value: 5
}, {
key: 6.5,
value: 4
// svg sizes
const width = 400,
height = 200;
const m = 50;
const margin = {
top: m,
right: m,
bottom: m,
left: m,
const y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(data, d => d.value))
.range([height - margin.bottom, margin.top]);
const x = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(data, d => d.key).map((v, i) => i==0 ? v - 1 : v + 1))
.rangeRound([margin.left, width - margin.right]);
const svg = d3.select('svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
const rects = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'rects');
const clips = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'clips');
.attr('class', 'x-axis')
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${height - margin.bottom})`)
.attr('class', 'y-axis')
.style('display', 'none')
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},0)`)
.attr('id', 'clip')
.attr('x', margin.left)
.attr('y', margin.top)
.attr('width', width - margin.right)
.attr('height', height - margin.bottom);
const brush = d3.brushX()
[x.range()[0], margin.top],
[x.range()[1], height - margin.bottom]
.on('brush', brushed)
.on('start', brushed)
.on('end', brushend);
function brushend(e) {
if (!e.selection || !e.selection.length) {
.attr('x', margin.left)
.attr('width', width - margin.right);
function brushed(e) {
.attr('x', e.selection[0])
.attr('width', e.selection[1] - e.selection[0]);
const selected = {
x0: x.invert(e.selection[0]),
x1: x.invert(e.selection[1]),
.attr('x', d => x(d.key))
.attr('y', d => y(d.value))
.attr('height', d => height - y(d.value) - margin.bottom)
.attr('width', 20)
.style('stroke', 'white')
.style('fill', 'gray')
.text(d => d.key);
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#clip)')
.attr('x', d => x(d.key))
.attr('y', d => y(d.value))
.attr('height', d => height - y(d.value) - margin.bottom)
.attr('width', 20)
.style('stroke', 'white')
.text(d => d.key);
.attr('class', 'x brush')
.call(brush) // initialize the brush
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('height', height)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/6.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>