I need to upload image with Shrine using uploader, I have default uploader from example here including few derivatives.
Like here https://shrinerb.com/docs/getting-started
But I want to create new instance inside IRB, and I don't figure it out how to pass image properly to the Shrine. As I will finish it it will be used in a script for converting bunch of images.
If I do this:
title: title,
image: File.open("image.png")
It fails on validation because mime-type is empty. When I use form to upload image, there is ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile object containing complete information.
Please, how can I pass image to the uploader to be properly processed, mime type stored and created derivatives?
If I try this.
attacher = Shrine::Attacher.from_model(new_image, :image)
inside image is path to image, it fails on:
*** JSON::ParserError Exception: 784: unexpected token at
And if I pass File.open(image) to assign method, I get uploaded orignal image, but without mime-type and without derivatives.
I am little bit confused.
I have a solution.
Shrine uploader needs a File object opened in binmode, so
image: File.open(image, binmode: true)
In creating instance of model class.