Hello I have a repository with a folder called Packages and inside this several python packages with their setup and all needed configuration in order to installe it.
I can install it localy indicating the complete path to the package, but when I try to do the same from the repository I cannot.
How could I install one of that packages witht pipenv?
I tried the following:
pipenv install -e git+https://TOKEN@github.com/user/repo#egg=package
pipenv install -e git+https://TOKEN@github.com/user/repo/branch/path#egg=package
But dosen't work I got this error:
Error text: Obtaining socks-utils from git+https://****@github.com/............#egg=socks-utils ... has inconsistent name: filename has 'package', but metadata has 'UNKNOWN'
The token is correct I can clone it with that url in another folder.
Quoting from the pip documentation:
If your repository layout is:
pkg_dir ├── setup.py # setup.py for package "pkg" └── some_module.py other_dir └── some_file some_other_file
Then, to install from this repository, the syntax would be:
python -m pip install -e "vcs+protocol://repo_url/#egg=pkg&subdirectory=pkg_dir"
Hence, you want:
pipenv install -e "git+https://TOKEN@github.com/user/repo#egg=package&subdirectory=path"