I'm pretty new so apologies if my title doesn't phrase things correctly. I've been hacking away and haven't been able to find an answer to this problem.
I have a horizontally scrolling collection. I'm trying to visually show poll results programatically adding CGRect to the relevant item in the collection based on voting data held in a Firestore array.
This is working, but the problem is when you scroll away (so the item in the collection is off screen) and then back, the code to draw the CGRects gets triggered again and more graphics get added to the view. Is there a way to delete these CGRects when the user scrolls an item collection off screen so when the user scrolls the item back into view, code is triggered again it doesn't create duplicates?
Here are a couple of screenshots showing first and second load
Here is my code (cell b is where the CGrect gets triggered)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
if collectionView == self.sentCollectionView {
let cellA = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "sCell", for: indexPath) as! SentCollectionViewCell
cellA.sentQuestionLabel.text = sentMessages[indexPath.row].shoutText
// Set up cell
return cellA
else {
let cellB = receivedCollectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "pCell", for: indexPath) as! ReceivedCollectionViewCell
receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollTotal = receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults.reduce(0, +)
print("Sum of Array is : ", receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollTotal!)
cellB.receivedShoutLabel.text = receivedMessages[indexPath.row].shoutText
if receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults != [] {
for i in 0...receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults.count - 1 {
cellB.resultsView.addSubview(sq(pollSum: receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollTotal!, pollResult: receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults[i]))
return cellB
func sq(pollSum: Int, pollResult: Int) -> UIView {
// divide the width by total responses
let screenDivisions = Int(view.frame.size.width) / pollSum
// the rectangle top left point x axis position.
let xPos = 0
// the rectangle width.
let rectWidth = pollResult * screenDivisions
// the rectangle height.
let rectHeight = 10
// Create a CGRect object which is used to render a rectangle.
let rectFrame: CGRect = CGRect(x:CGFloat(xPos), y:CGFloat(yPos), width:CGFloat(rectWidth), height:CGFloat(rectHeight))
// Create a UIView object which use above CGRect object.
let greenView = UIView(frame: rectFrame)
// Set UIView background color.
greenView.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
//increment y position
yPos = yPos + 25
return greenView
Cells of collection are dequeued dequeueReusableCell
, you need to override prepareForReuse
Or set a tag
greenView.tag = 333
And inside cellForItemAt
do this
cellB.resultsView.subviews.forEach {
if $0.tag == 333 {
if receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults != [] {
for i in 0...receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults.count - 1 {
cellB.resultsView.addSubview(sq(pollSum: receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollTotal!, pollResult: receivedMessages[indexPath.row].pollResults[i]))