
react leaflet measurement / ruler plugin

I need a ruler for a React Leaflet app, however, all I can find are the plain leaflet plugins listed at

I've tried to include all of them in my app but every single one of them has a different compatibility issue with current versions of React and/or Leaflet. Most of these plugins lack proper documentation and many are built for previous versions of leaflet.

Is there a modern measurement plugin or tool that I can use? or is there a well documented procedure to adapt the mentioned plugins to a React-Leaflet environment?


  • To continue what it was discussed in the comments, you can use leaflet-ruler plugin but without cdns by placing the js and css files locally. I tried using cdns but I got some errors similar to what I would get if I had not imported the library properly.

    Therefore go to and copy paste the .css and .js files into two separate files in your React projec (see also the provided demo). Once you do that create a custom react-leaflet component and import the library's css and js file.

    import { useEffect } from "react";
    import { useMap } from "react-leaflet";
    import L from "leaflet";
    import "./leaflet-ruler.css";
    import "./leaflet-ruler";
    export default function LeafletRuler() {
      const map = useMap();
      useEffect(() => {
        if (!map) return;
      }, [map]);
      return null;

    Once you do that you are ready to use the library like this:

     <MapContainer center={position} zoom={13} style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
        <LeafletRuler />

    Note that in the sandbox plugin's button image is not displaying properly but in your local environment it should be ok.
