I need a ruler for a React Leaflet app, however, all I can find are the plain leaflet plugins listed at https://leafletjs.com/plugins.html.
I've tried to include all of them in my app but every single one of them has a different compatibility issue with current versions of React and/or Leaflet. Most of these plugins lack proper documentation and many are built for previous versions of leaflet.
Is there a modern measurement plugin or tool that I can use? or is there a well documented procedure to adapt the mentioned plugins to a React-Leaflet environment?
To continue what it was discussed in the comments, you can use leaflet-ruler plugin but without cdns by placing the js and css files locally. I tried using cdns but I got some errors similar to what I would get if I had not imported the library properly.
Therefore go to https://github.com/gokertanrisever/leaflet-ruler/tree/master/src and copy paste the .css and .js files into two separate files in your React projec (see also the provided demo). Once you do that create a custom react-leaflet component and import the library's css and js file.
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useMap } from "react-leaflet";
import L from "leaflet";
import "./leaflet-ruler.css";
import "./leaflet-ruler";
export default function LeafletRuler() {
const map = useMap();
useEffect(() => {
if (!map) return;
}, [map]);
return null;
Once you do that you are ready to use the library like this:
<MapContainer center={position} zoom={13} style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
<LeafletRuler />
Note that in the sandbox plugin's button image is not displaying properly but in your local environment it should be ok.