I want to parse my .csv file. In the logs, it's all right, I'm getting my first and the second value, but I have an error on the second value: Here is my code
dec = attdecode.split("\n")
line = 0
for row in dec :
line += 1
rowparse = row.split(";")
y=rowparse[1] # here, I GET : y=rowparse[1]IndexError: list index out of range
print '//// rowparse', rowparse #I get all my line,with 4 elements divided by ;
print 'x====', x #correct value
print 'y===',y #correct value
print 'Long===',len(rowparse) # I get 4 and it's correct
so if my y is correct, why I get an error on y=rowparse[1]
The code works just fine for me
csv = "15717464674;Y5547;2;1\n14478878828;AB557;3;2"
dec = csv.split("\n")
line = 0
for row in dec :
line += 1
rowparse = row.split(";")