I'm new to Stencil CLI. I recently install the same and noticed after some digging that the .stencil file is now deprecated but have no idea how to use it's replacements, which I assume is config.stencil.json and secrets.stencil.json. I am following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwrVN5QrEZY&t=20s
Anyone with some idea on how use them to create custom pages?
You would follow the same exact setup, just put the page template in the config.stencil.json file.
This file might look something like this:
"normalStoreUrl": "https://store-abcde12345.mybigcommerce.com",
"port": 3000,
"customLayouts": {
"brand": {},
"category": {},
"page": {
"about-us": "/about-us"
"product": {}
The secrets.stencil.json file only contains the API token.
"accessToken": "tokenhere"